Your company needs a top-quality and fast English to German (German to English) or English to Serbian (Serbian to English) translation of:
– websites, presentations, catalogues, brochures?
– public procurement documents?
– contracts, agreements, policies, other legal documents?
– product data sheets, technical specifications, similar documents?
– University and High school programmes?
– other expert documents (IT, medicine, construction, etc.?)
Many years of experience and knowledge + the efficient use of modern translation tools guarantee high-quality written translations.
English to German translation
German to English translation
English to Serbian translation
Serbian to English translation
German to Serbian translation
Serbian to German translation
Fields of expertise of our translation and interpreting services
Economy and Finance
Trade and Marketing
Contracts and Legal Documents
IT and Computing
Medicine and Pharmacology
Industry and Technical Data Sheets
Society, Culture and History
Sports and Education
What distinguishes an excellent translator from an average translator?
There is no translator who is an expert in all fields of expertise. However, there are modern Internet browsers, dictionaries and software solutions that enable a professional translation of even the most demanding documents. Each area of expertise is covered with countless websites, brochures, catalogues, technical specifications and other sources of information, which enable the translator to get familiar quickly with the corresponding topic and terminology as well as to provide a high-quality translation.
There are numerous CAT tools (Computer Aided Translation) which – thanks to their translation memory of sentences and technical terms – optimise the speed, quality and reliability of each translation. CAT tools increase the consistency and improve the quality control of written translations.
Quality control
All of our written translations are the result of many years of experience and knowledge, in combination with the efficient use of all the aforementioned modern tools. Thanks to this, we are able to provide high-quality written translations in no time, even for complex fields of expertise.
Expert knowledge and experience is only the first part of any translation. Equally important parts are the review and proofreading of terminology, grammar and spelling mistakes. We use modern methodology and software tools that ensure maximum quality, consistency, accuracy and minimise the number of errors in each translation.
In the case of comments or suggestions for any of our translations, we will optimise the translation to the maximum satisfaction of the client.

Grčića Milenka 65 | SRB – 11000 Belgrade
Telephone, WhatsApp, Viber: +381 (0)66 35 77 51
E-mail: office@apollotransolutions.com